IBM Books

Network Utility User's Guide

Chapter 1. Setting Up the Hardware

This chapter covers the following topics:

Installing the Network Utility

Before You Begin: The illustrations assume that all of the adapter slots are filled. A fully populated Network Utility weighs about 15 kg (33 lb).

Pre-installation Requirements--You need to provide:

Rack-Mounting Requirements--You can use any EIA standard 19-inch rack. The rack can be open or closed. However, if you choose a closed rack, you must make sure that enough air flows through the Network Utility. Covers on the front of the rack that would not let air reach the Network Utility must be removed or modified to let air pass. Similarly, unvented rear rack covers that would not let air exit the Network Utility or would cause back pressure to build up from several machines must not be used.

1. Verify contents

Verify that the following items were included with your Network Utility.


In addition to this document, the package should include the following publications:

  • Caution: Safety Information-Read This First, SD21-0030
  • 2216 Nways Multiaccess Connector and Network Utility Introduction and Planning Guide, GA27-4105
  • 2216 Nways Multiaccess Connector and Network Utility Service and Maintenance Manual, SY27-0350
  • Configuration Program User's Guide, GC30-3830
  • 2216 Documentation CD-ROM, SK2T-0405


  • Network Utility with the adapters already installed
  • Any cables that were ordered
  • Rack-mount installation aid
  • Power cord
  • PCMCIA modem (except in countries where the PCMCIA modem is not available)
  • IBM EtherJet PC card
  • Rack-mounting cable bracket if the Network Utility contains FC 2299 (Parallel Channel Adapter)
  • Null modem and two 9-to-25-pin serial communication cables


  • IBM 2216 Model 400 and Network Utility Configuration Program CD-ROM
  • The operating code is preloaded onto the Network Utility

Proceed with

Surface-mounting - go to step 7 on page ***.
Rack-mounting - go to step 2 on page ***.

2. Rack-Mounting the Network Utility
View figure.

You need the following items:

  • Cables, as required
  • Four rack-mounting screws
  • Screwdriver


  1. If you have a shelf for the rack, install it before continuing.

  2. Do not use the installation aid if you have a shelf installed.

Continue with step 3 on page ***.

3. Rack-Mounting (Optional for Surface-Mounting)
View figure.

The Network Utility mounting brackets are shipped with the flanges facing the rear:

  1. Remove the two screws from each bracket (one at the front and one at the rear).

  2. Reverse each bracket so that the Network Utility can be rack-mounted.

  3. Reinstall the four screws.

When the brackets are fitted correctly, the letter embossed on each bracket is on the rear edge; an A on the right side and a B on the left side.

4. Rack-Mounting
View figure.

The installation aid is a metal bar that supports the Network Utility as you install it in the rack. The installation aid ensures that the Network Utility and rack are lined up correctly.

Line up the holes in the installation aid with the rack and install all screws.

5. Rack-Mounting

Set the Network Utility on the IBM 2216 installation aid or on the shelf. The mounting brackets keep the Network Utility from falling into the rack during installation.

With the installation aid installed, steady the Network Utility while you complete the next step.

6. Rack-Mounting
View figure.

  1. Install the screws beginning with the lower screws.

  2. For FC 2299: Using 2 screws, install the rack-mounting cable bracket onto the front of the rack below the Network Utility.
7. Rack- or Surface-Mounting
View figure.

If you are installing a PCMCIA modem or PCMCIA EtherJet LAN adapter, slide it into either of the PCMCIA slots on the system card. Attach the telephone cable to the modem (a triangle identifies the left side of the cable).


  1. You cannot substitute a different Ethernet PCMCIA card for the EtherJet LAN adapter that is shipped with the Network Utility.

  2. The system will not boot up if you install two PCMCIA modems or two PCMCIA Ethernet adapters into a Network Utility.

8. Rack- or Surface-Mounting

View figure.

  1. Verify that all thumbscrews are tight (even if you did not loosen them during installation).

  2. Connect the power cord to the Network Utility and the power outlet (to power on the unit). After about 4 to 5 minutes, verify that the correct LEDs are on (see Table 1-1). Monitor the LED states as shown in Figure 1-1.

    While the unit is booting and the adapters are being tested, it is normal for:

    • Both the green and yellow System Card LEDs to be on for a short period of time.

    • Both the green and yellow Adapter Card LEDs to be on for a short period of time.

    • The Hard Drive and the adapter Wrong Slot yellow LEDs to be on for a short period of time.

  3. If you see a problem, use the tables and procedures in Problem Solving to resolve or report the problem.
9. Complete the Setup (Rack- or Surface-Mounting)

  1. Connect the cables (except for the Parallel Channel Adapter, FC 2299).
    Note:If you have FC 2299, the installation of the cables requires a channel-trained IBM service representative or a customer's channel-trained person.

    Call the IBM service representative to install the cables for FC 2299. The Parallel Channel and its attached devices will be disrupted if the cables are not installed correctly.

  2. Proceed with Chapter 2, Bringing Up a User Console to set up a user terminal console.
10. IBM Service Representative Tasks for FC 2299

  1. Connect the adapter cables to FC 2299 (using the procedures in the Service and Maintenance Manual under "Installing Channel Adapters"). Do not connect to the host channel cables yet.

  2. Run wrap tests to verify that all adapter cables are OK.

  3. Connect the host channel cables to the adapter cables.

Verifying the Hardware Setup

Table 1-1 shows the correct state of each LED on the front of the unit after it has completed booting (about 4-5 minutes after a power-on). If all LEDs are in the correct state, you can begin to configure the unit. See Figure 1-1 for the locations of the LEDs on the Network Utility.

Table 1-1. Machine LED States When Operational

CARD LED Name Color State
System card PCMCIA 1 (with device installed) Yellow OFF
PCMCIA 2 (with device installed) Yellow OFF
OK Green ON
not OK Yellow OFF
For all adapter cards OK Green ON
not OK Yellow OFF
Wrong slot Yellow OFF
I/O port (before the configuration is loaded on the unit) Green OFF
I/O port Yellow OFF

LED Indicators

The Network Utility has a number of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that indicate how the unit is functioning.

Figure 1-1. System Card and Adapter Card LEDs

View figure.

System Card Status

LEDs Meaning
PCMCIA 1 or PCMCIA 2 (Yellow) On - PCMCIA device has a fault, is not installed, or is not seated correctly.

Off - Device passed self-tests

OK (Green) On - Card hardware is operating normally.

Blinking - Loading from hard file

(Yellow) On - Card hardware has a fault.
Fault Hard Drive (Yellow) On - Hard drive has failed.

Adapter Card Status

LEDs Meaning
OK (Green) On - Adapter is operational.
(Yellow) On - Adapter has a fault.
Wrong Slot (Yellow) On - Contact your service representative.
Green port1 On - Port is operating normally (enabled and configured).

Off - Port is not configured or is disabled.

Blinking (for ESCON adapter only) - The optical power measurement test is running.

Yellow port1 On - One or more ports has a hardware fault.

Blinking - One or more ports has a port I/O or network failure. Use the Maintenance Analysis Procedures (MAPs) in the 2216 Nways Multiaccess Connector and Network Utility Service and Maintenance Manual to isolate.

Off - No problem detected.

Important Phone Numbers

Contact Name Telephone Number
System Administrator:  
Service Representative:  

Problem Solving

To identify and correct any problems that occur during setup, answer the questions and take the appropriate actions, as indicated:

On the system card, is the Not OK yellow LED on?

Yes: There is a fault in the card.
  1. Disconnect the system from its power source.
  2. Reseat the card.
  3. Reconnect the system to its power source.
  4. Wait 4 to 5 minutes, and verify the state of the LEDs.
If the problem is not corrected, contact your service representative.
No: Go to the next question.

On the system card, is the OK green LED off?

Yes: The green LED is switched on by the operational code.
If the green LED fails to come on, contact your service representative.
No: Go to the next question.

On the system card, is the PCMCIA port LED on?

Yes: Either the PCMCIA card slot is empty or the card failed the power-on self-test. Reseat the card.
If the problem is not corrected, contact your service representative.
No: Go to the next question.

On I/O cards in slots 1 and 2, are the Not OK yellow LEDs On?

Yes: There is a fault in the card. Reseat the adapter.
If the problem is not corrected, contact your service representative.
No: Go to next question.

On I/O cards in slots 1 and 2, are the OK green LEDs On?

Yes: The Network Utility appears to be OK.
No: Reseat the card. If the OK green LED still fails to come on, the card is bad. Contact your service representative.


The port LEDs of the multiport WAN adapters (FC 2282, FC 2290, and FC 2291) reflect the status of one or more of the ports.

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